Renee Pearce

Company Secretary & New South Wales Director

Renee Pearce is a results driven industry professional with over 15 years working in the Australian seafood and fishing sector. Renee is currently a fishing industry consultant and business owner of The Fish Shoppe, a retail business specialising in sustainability caught and harvested, Australian and New Zealand quality seafood.

Renee has strong business development acumen with a Masters degree in Business Administration and Management. She is also an experienced Industry Association executive with a demonstrated history of working in the fishing sector and holds her MBA and Bachelor of Marine and Freshwater Biology. Renee has been an OceanWatch director since 2019 and sits on the FRDC Fish Names Committee.

WISA is working towards ways to better connect with their members and all seafood women across the Australasian Seafood Industry.

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Heidi Mumme - WISA Chair

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WISA acknowledge and respect the Traditional Owners of these lands and waters and their continuing connections, their stories, traditions and living cultures and the contribution to the life and spirit of our communities across Australia. We extend our respect to past, present and future Elders of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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